This is my very first blog post - so be gentle with me.
We've got so much going on while planning for Waterfest - which is coming SOON. This new site has been set up to work specifically with Waterfest and the volunteer and vendor coordination.
We are very excited about all the changes that are occuring in order to be ready for August 24th. The new corridor for the electric going to the center music site is coming along well. Dirk, Kory, Rick, Rich, Steve, Tim, Linda, and Vic have been working with Bob for weeks clearing the way so that electricity will be available in time. 
Everyone has been great at helping out and pitching in allowing us to make the progress that's needed. Thanks to everyone!
Debi Mellott (co festival organizer)
6/19/2012 03:11:20 am

Hey Carol and Bob,
This is great . . . I have been trying to call you . . . hope we can talk soon!
On here, a couple of suggestions:
Remind venders that they must also buy their tickets to the festival and pay for parking/camping.
Remind volunteers that they must make a deposit (cost of ticket) in order to be a volunteer (makes for good work ethic) and give a brief description of what each job title means, and what is expected.
Also Waterband and I agree that there need be 'NO Golf Cart' rentals. I am assuming that you agree with this as they are expensive to rent, and not necessary at this event, someone has to be responsible if one of them get destroyed (again they are really expensive to replace).
Please let's talk tonight, Tues. 19 or Wed nite . . . I will be gone after that.
Want to make arrangements with you to come to visit and talk about so many things . . . pick a day during week of June 25 through 30?
Thanx for all you are doing!
Debi Mellott
Waterfest Co-Festival Organizer


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